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One Last Time钢琴谱-Christopher Jackson

钢琴谱 2022-02-24 20:35:42 94 音乐室

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览1

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览2

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览3

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览4

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览5

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览6

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览7

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览8

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览9

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览10

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览11

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览12

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览13

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览14

One Last Time-汉密尔顿OST五线谱预览15

电视热剧《汉密尔顿》中华盛顿总统告别演说歌曲《One Last Time》由美国知名作曲家林Lin-Manuel Miranda创作,Christopher Jackson演唱。后邀请奥巴马和原唱一起重新录制了一版,首周播放量就突破30万,登上了美国知名音乐排行榜公告牌(Billboard)的热门R&B歌曲榜单第22位。

《汉密尔顿:一部美国音乐剧》(英语:Hamilton: An American Musical),是一部关于美国开国元勋亚历山大•汉密尔顿的音乐剧。本剧2015年2月于外百老汇的公众剧院首演时售罄。在2015年8月登上百老汇的理察•罗杰斯剧院。剧作在百老汇收获热烈好评以及空前的票房纪录,获得格莱美奖最佳音乐剧专辑及普利策戏剧奖。外百老汇的演出赢得2015年戏剧桌奖(或译:纽约戏剧奖)十四项提名,得到杰出音乐剧等七项奖项。百老汇的演出获得破纪录的十六项东尼奖提名,得到最佳音乐剧等十一项大奖。

One Last Time歌词:

Mr President you asked to see me

I know youre busy

What do you need sir


I wanna give you a word of warning

Sir I dont know what you heard

But whatever it is Jefferson started it

Thomas Jefferson resigned this morning

Youre kidding

I need a favor

Whatever you say sir Jefferson will pay for his behavior

Shh talk less

Ill use the press

Ill write under a pseudonym youll see what I can do to him

I need you to draft an address

Yes he resigned

You can finally speak your mind

No hes stepping down so he can run for President

Ha Good luck defeating you sir

Im stepping down Im not running for President

Im sorry what

One last time

Relax have a drink with me

One last time

Lets take a break tonight

And then well teach them how to say goodbye

To say goodbye

You and I

No sir why

I wanna talk about neutrality

Sir with Britain and France on the verge of war is this the best time

I want to warn against partisan fighting


Pick up a pen start writing

I wanna talk about what I have learned

The hard-won wisdom I have earned

As far as the people are concerned

You have to serve you could continue to serve

No one last time

The people will hear from me

One last time

And if we get this right

Were gonna teach em how to say


You and I

Mr President they will say youre weak

No they will see were strong

Your position is so unique

So Ill use it to move them along

Why do you have to say goodbye

If I say goodbye the nation learns to move on

It outlives me when Im gone

Like the scripture says

Everyone shall sit under their own vine and fig tree

And no one shall make them afraid

Theyll be safe in the nation weve made

I wanna sit under my own vine and fig tree

A moment alone in the shade

At home in this nation weve made

One last time

One last time

Though in reviewing the incidents of my administration

I am unconscious of intentional error

I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not

To think it probable that I may have committed many errors

I shall also carry with me

The hope

That my country will

View them with indulgence

And that

After forty-five years of my life dedicated to its service with an upright zeal

The faults of incompetent abilities will be

Consigned to oblivion as I myself must soon be to the mansions of rest

I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat in which

I promise myself to realize the sweet enjoyment of partaking

In the midst of my fellow-citizens

The benign influence of good laws

Under a free government the ever-favorite object of my heart

And the happy reward as I trust

Of our mutual cares labors and dangers

One last time

George Washingtons going home

Teach em how to say goodbye

George Washingtons going home

You and I

George Washingtons going home

Going home

George Washingtons going home

History has its eyes on you

George Washingtons going home

Were gonna teach em how to

Say goodbye

Teach em how to

Say goodbye

To say goodbye

Say goodbye

One last time

标签:One Last Time Christopher Jackson

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