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Untitled钢琴谱-Simple Plan

钢琴谱 2022-02-26 16:51:25 35 音乐室

Untitled-Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)五线谱预览1

Untitled-Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)五线谱预览2

Untitled-Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)五线谱预览3

Untitled-Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)五线谱预览4

Untitled-Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me)五线谱预览5

又名Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me?),是加拿大流行朋克乐团Simple Plan的歌曲。

乐队由五位帅小伙组成,分别是主唱Pierre Bouvier、双吉它手Jeff Stinco及Sebastien Lefebvre、贝斯手David Desrosiers与鼓手Chuck Comeau,在2002年发表了第一张纯正流行朋克专辑《No Pads, No Helmets, Just Balls》,在欧美市场的几百万张的销量证明了他们并非等闲之辈。但Simple Plan没有冲昏头脑。2004年秋,由金牌摇滚制作人Bob Rock(曾经为“金属”乐队等担任制作人)担当监制的专辑《Still Not Getting Any…》(一无所有)的面市充分见证了这五人组合的健康成长。这不再是张专辑纯粹的流行朋克专辑。其第一主打单曲“Welcome to my life”已经成为全球范围内的热门歌曲;“Shut up”则是生猛有力流行朋克,而“Untitled”则是一首动人的情歌。



I open my eyes

I try to see but Im blinded by the white light

I cant remember how

I cant remember why

Im lying here tonight

And I cant stand the pain

And I cant make it go away

No, I cant stand the pain

How could this happen to me?

I made my mistakes

Got nowhere to run

The night goes on

As Im fading away

Im sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me?

Everybodys screaming

I try to make a sound but noone hears me

Im slipping off the edge

Im hanging by a thread

I wanna start this over again

So I try to hold onto a time when nothing mattered

And I cant explain what happened

And I cant erase the things that Ive done

No, I cant

How could this happen to me?

I made my mistakes

Got nowhere to run

The night goes on

As Im fading away

Im sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me?

I made my mistakes

Got nowhere to run

The night goes on

As Im fading away

Im sick of this life

I just wanna scream

How could this happen to me?

标签:Untitled Simple Plan

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