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Wonder钢琴谱-Shawn Mendes

钢琴谱 2022-02-24 20:28:01 40 音乐室

Wonder-Shawn Mendes五线谱预览1

Wonder-Shawn Mendes五线谱预览2

Wonder-Shawn Mendes五线谱预览3

Wonder-Shawn Mendes五线谱预览4

Shawn Mendes发布全新单曲《Wonder》,歌曲与他即将在12月4日发布的新专辑同名,这是一张揭开Mendes内心世界、人生旅程和梦想的诚意大作。

戏剧人声化的惊喜开场,给前奏营造了一种庞大的背景,仿佛是一片大海上的一粒粒水滴缓缓滴落,在此起彼伏的鼓点节奏中,Mendes舒适温润的声线又如这片大海中的一只小帆潜行。顷刻间,巨浪突起,小帆在重重迭起的波涛中历经磨练,到达了目的地。 Mendes还是一如既往地运用了他最擅长的成人抒情,这首歌曲的演绎,从前期的舒缓到后面的高潮,都呈现了对于“wonder”的想像,而戛然而止的结尾,像是一个谜底,等着我们去探索,找到wonder中的Neverland。


I wonder if Im being real

Do I speak my truth or do I filter how I feel

I wonder wouldnt it be nice

To live inside a world that isnt black and white

I wonder what its like to be my friends

Hope that they dont think I forget about them

I wonder I wonder

Right before I close my eyes

The only thing thats on my mind

Been dreaming that you feel it too

I wonder what its like to be loved by you yeah

I wonder what its like

I wonder what its like to be loved by

I wonder why Im so afraid

Of saying something wrong I never said I was a saint

I wonder when I cry into my hands

Im conditioned to feel like it makes me less of a man

And I wonder if some day youll be by my side

And tell me that the world will end up alright

I wonder I wonder

Right before I close my eyes

The only thing thats on my mind

Been dreaming that you feel it too

I wonder what its like to be loved by you yeah

I wonder what its like

I wonder what its like to be loved by you

I wonder what its like to be loved by you yeah

I wonder what its like to be loved by you yeah

I wonder what its like to be loved by

Right before I close my eyes

The only thing thats on my mind

Been dreaming that you feel it too

I wonder what its like to be loved by you

标签:Shawn Mendes Wonder

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