2023-08-05 17:26:28 411744
We Wont be Falling是超级网剧《镇魂》的主题曲,由陈雪燃作词、作曲并演唱。该剧以宏大的世界观架构了人界与地星两个概念,两界的纷争与守护的意义成为观众热讨论的焦点。剧情渐进主线,主人公之间相互付出、为守护正义不辞艰辛的剧情感染了许多观众。剧中的另一大亮点便是原著中其他众多精彩的情节也在剧集中一一展现。让人印象深刻,给整段故事添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。这些发生在寻常人身边的珍贵感情,映射出了观众最需要的内在世界。贯穿全剧的灵魂主线就是这令人动容的守护之情。
We Wont be Falling歌词:
We are the one
We wont be falling down
As the sun will keep on shining
The story will keep on going
We are the one
We will be holding on
For the promise we held for life
For the people we love are leaving
Please tell my friends
We wont be falling down
As the sun will keep on shining
And the story will keep on going
We wont be falling down
As the sun will keep on shining
And the story will keep on going
We will be holding on
As the sea will rise upon
And the story will keep on going
We wont be falling down
As the sun will keep on shining
And the story will keep on going
We will be holding on
As the sea will rise upon
And the story will keep on going
标签:陈雪燃 We Won #039;t be Falling
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