《梦中的婚礼》曲谱 来源:《中国曲谱网》;上传:秋叶起舞;上传日期:2011-03-27;......
2011-03-27 08:00:00 582836
是美国三人摇滚团体Goo Goo Dolls所演唱的一首歌曲,收录在其专辑Dizzy Up The Gril中。
对于自1987年便已发表其首张同名专辑的Goo Goo Dolls而言,"Dizzy Up The Gril"其实已是Goo Goo Doll的第六张专辑,但却是他们于1996年以"A Boy Named Goo"专辑(1995发行)首次在主流乐坛绽放光芒之后,令人期待近三年之久后于1998年9月发行的首张全新专辑。Goo Goo Dolls在此辑中的表现,很明显地又比前作成熟进步不少,圆融地将各种不同性格--强硬中带着温柔、侵略中又带有技巧,毫无间隙地凝聚成一首首精彩之作。因此,你可以在辑中同时听到铿锵有力的吉他节奏与悠扬的小提琴旋律共存的抒情曲「Black Balloon」、活泼有力的流行曲「January Friend」,以及充满爆发力又不失优雅的摇滚曲「Bullet Proof」。此辑不仅已在美国创下首批销售达50万张金唱片纪录,发行至今亦已累积销售近2百万张。此亚洲版除了收录「Iris」(#9)这首为电影所创的畅销名曲,及Billboard流行榜#8名、Adult Top 40榜#3名单曲「Slide」外,还额外收录其"A Boy Named Goo"专辑中的流行榜#5名、Modern Rock榜4周冠军曲「Name」...作品。
Could you whisper in my ear
The things you wanna feel
Id give you anythin
To feel it comin
Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are?
You live with all your faults
I wanna wake up where you are
I wont say anything at all
So why dont you slide
Yeah, Im gonna let it slide
Dont you love the life you killed?
The priest is on the phone
Your father hit the wall
Your ma disowned you
Dont supposed Ill ever know
What it means to be a man
Its somethin I cant change
Ill live around it
I wanna wake up where you are
I wont say anything at all
So why dont you slide
Ooh, slide
And Ill do anythin you ever dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothin that fall
Oh, May
Put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
Oh, May
Do you wanna get married Or run away?
And Ill do anythin you ever dreamed to be complete
Little pieces of the nothin that fall
Oh, May
Put your arms around me
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
Oh, May
Do you wanna get married
Or run away?
I wanna wake up where you are
I wont say anything
And Ill do anythin you ever dreamed to be complete
(Yeah, slide)
Little pieces of the nothin that fall
(yeah slide)
And Ill do anythin you ever dreamed to be complete
(Yeah slide)
Little pieces of the nothin that fall
(Oh, oh slide)
Yeah, slide between the sheets of all them beds you never knew
(Yeah slide)
Why dont you slide into my room
Just slide into my room
Oh, well run away, run away, run away